Chandra Grahanam ( Lunar Eclipse ) on 27/7/2018

A total Lunar eclipse occurs on 27/7/2018 starting 10:40 PM and lasting till the early hours of 28/7/2018 ( see Astronomical phenomena of the month ) The Eclipse affects the people born in Krittika, Utrtara phalguni ( Uttiram) , Utrashadha, Poorvashadha and Sravana ( Thiruvonam) stars. They shall do shanthi  and perform a dana ( donation) of rice and gold/money  to the needy at the end of eclipse. Dhama sindhu suggests a gold idol of Naga placed in a brass vessel with ghee to be given in charity ( Mantra for this: Mama janma rasi janmanakshatra stitha chandra grahana soochita sarvanishtasanthi poorvakam bimbadanam karishye, is the sankalpa Idam souvarnam Rahu bimbam,rajatam chandra bimbam va grutha poorna kasya patra sahitam yatha sakthi tilavastra dakshina sahitam grahana soochitarishta vinasartham, subhaphala praptyartham, cha tubhyamaham sampradade)

Shastras stipulate that food eaten should be digested before start of any eclipse and food shall be eaten again only after the eclipse is clear( grahana moksha).  Everyone should finish their dinner before 6:30 PM on 27th and shall eat breakfast on 28th only after bathing. Cooked rice  should not be stored during grahana kalam and should be consumed before.. Foods like buttermilk, curd, ghee, etc shall be stored with a piece of Kusa ( darbha)  grass in the vessels.

According to Dharma sindhu, The bathing after moksha is prescribed as Sachelam ( that means with clothes on), the idea is that the cloth you were during eclipse period also should be washed along with your body.Doing a japa and daana after the grahan moksha bath is considered to be of immense benefit ( anantaphalam). The bathing in sea is considered best after eclipse.Deva pitru tarpana after grahana time is most desirable.

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