Many astrological readings are going around in the social media in recent times about the COVID situation. Many of them talked about transit of Saturn to Capricorn, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars the conjunction of Jupiter Saturn and Mars. They seem to be guided by matching the present crisis of the epidemic with the existing planetary positions.
I looked at the planetary positions at the time of flu pandemics around the world in the last two centuries. There were 7 flu pandemics in the world since 1889 (including the present COVID 19) which caused millions of death worldwide. Let us look at them :
Russian flu 1889-90
Spanish flu 1918-20
Asian flu 1957-58
Hong Kong flu 1968-69
SARS 2002-2004
Swine flu 2009-10 and
COVID 2019 December onwards.
It was seen that Saturn transiting to Capricorn was only in 1 case out of these seven which is the present COVID . In three out of the six pandemics Saturn was in Leo transiting from Cancer or transiting to Virgo. In one case Saturn was in Gemini transiting from Taurus and one in Scorpio.
Saturn in Capricorn doesn’t seem to be a cause of spreading flu.
In the case of Jupiter, he occupied Capricorn in 1889-90 and transited to Aquarius from Capricorn in 2009. In all other cases he has been in Gemini, Cancer, Virgo or Libra.
Rahu was in Gemini ( Ketu in Sagittarius) in 1889 and in 2002.
In case of the Spanish flu of 1918, the positions of Rahu and Jupiter were reversed. They were in Sagittarius and Gemini respectively.
Hence we see that the Rahu,Ketu and Jupiter mutual position of opposition existed in 1889 Russian flu, 1918 Spanish flu and in 2019-20 COVID.
Mars conjuncts with Saturn and Jupiter quite often due to it’s low orbital period compared to the outer planets and repeatability of the event cannot be established.
The 1889 pandemic started when Rahu was opposed 180 deg to Jupiter (Ketu conjunct) and continued till Jupiter and Rahu moved into Capricorn and Taurus respectively and reached more than 210 deg apart.
Looking at these two cases of similarity it seems that the pandemic spread will come down considerably from May 2020 when Rahu and Jupiter reach about 205 deg apart. But sporadic cases will continue around the world till October 2020 due to Jupiter’s retrogression and till Rahu and Jupiter move away from their opposing position.